#Program Project Activities

Program, Project, and Activities implemented:

1. Improvement of Water and sanitation in Bagatipara, Natore

Bagatipara is a project area of CGED which is an Upazila of Natore district under the Rajshahi division. Bagatipara is located at 24.3306°N 88.9444°E. It has an area of 139.37km2and is bounded by Natore Sadar Upazila on the north, Lalpur Upazila on the south, Baraigram Upazila on the east, and Charghat, Bagha, and Puthia Upazilas on the west. The soil of the Upazila is mainly plain; there are few depressions. The main river is Boral. Though Bagatipara is an old Upazila but drinking water and sanitation system is poor and scarcity of fresh drinking water. For this, CGED worked on this issue to improve drinking water in support of Muslim Aid Bangladesh. 9 (nine) Shallow tube wells were supplied and installed to the poor communities for their daily drinking water needs in November 2007. One tube well for five families who benefited from safe drinking water. Besides, to improve the unhygienic sanitation system, CGED supplied 8 (eight) ring-slab sets to the poor families of the community. Moreover, CGED has taken more tube wells supplied to the poor communities for the rest Upazilas of the Natore district.

2. Biodiversity Conservation and Tree Plantation for Improvement of Environment and Climate Change Adaptation

To improve the degraded environment and climate change adaptation, CGED supplied more than seven thousand saplings of trees of local species of fruits and timber-yielding plants in different areas of Bangladesh. Tree plantation is a process where a large number of trees or seedlings are planted for land reclamation and restoration, climate change adaptation, and also food supply for a meetup the health nutrition, fuels, and improvement of the environment. Planting large numbers of trees helps to purify the polluted air and supply of oxygen that we breathe in and absorb the polluted carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. CGED is highly focused on tree plantation and the supply of saplings of trees amongst poor communities and poor women. In the meantime, CGED’s Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (EBCT) implemented the tree plantation activities at Chawkpara Team under Rajshahi City Corporation, Boda Upazila Team under Pachangar district, Bagmara Upazila Team under Rajshahi district and Teknaf Team under Cox’s Bazar district.

3. Day Observation: International Environment Day and Biodiversity Conservation Day

The Centre for Global Environment and Development (CGED) has observed International Environment Day on 5 June 2023 and International Biodiversity Day on 22 May 2023 at Chawkpara Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (EBCT). World Environment Day is the biggest environment day for the environment day. The major goal of the annual event is to raise awareness of the value of the resources on our planet and the need to protect them. Every year on 5th June, World Environment Day is observed globally. Biodiversity Day helps to raise awareness about the environment and the damage that human activities do to it. Protecting biodiversity impacts literally every aspect of life, from breathable air to climate, flood protection, shelter, food sources, and more, which rely on the health and stability of natural resources like forests, waterways, and grasslands. Biodiversity Day was observed on 22 May 2023 at Teknaf under Cox’s Bazar by the women's biodiversity conservation team.

4. Participation in a human chain, press conference, and round table discussion meeting for the protection of Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation, reducing Air Pollution, and Control of Plastic pollution

The Centre for Global Environment and Development (CGED) is a member of the Bangladesh Nature Conservation Alliance (BNCA) and is linked with the Centre for Atmospheric Pollution Studies (CAPS). CGED actively participated and contributed at the national level to several programs, especially:

  • Human Chain for the protection of country-wide elephant killing, in front of Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka on 24 November
  • Round Table discussion on Plastic Burning Contribution to Air Pollution Environmental and Legal Aspects, arranged by BNCA and CAPS on 4th June 2023 at the Department of Environmental Science, Stamford University Bangladesh (SUB).
  • Goal Table Meeting on the Contribution of Renewable Energy for the Fresh Air and Fuel Security Creation in Bangladesh, arranged by BNCA, CAPS, CGED, and World Vision on 17 June 2023 at Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB), Dhaka.
  • Press Conference on the Contribution of Renewable Energy for the Fresh Air and Fuel Security Creation in Bangladesh, arranged by BNCA, CAPS, and World Vision on 17 June 2023 at Dhaka Reporter Unity (DRU), Dhaka.
5.Awareness Building and campaign on the Plastic and Polythene Pollution Control

CGED has been working on awareness-building activities on the use and production of plastic and polythene pollution control. For this, the Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (EBCT) of CGED communicates with plastic and polythene users and sellers at the market, domestic/houses, and public, institutions places to prohibit plastic pollution. For this, the Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team of Chawkpara, Rajshahi, and Bagmara, Rajshahi moved around the places and collected. Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. It is estimated that more than 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in our oceans each year, and Bangladesh is no exception. According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),Bangladesh generates an estimated 1.6 million tons of plastic waste each year. Of this, only 50,000 tons are recycled, and the rest are either burned or dumped into landfills or water bodies. So, this is the time to build awareness for controlling and stopping to use plastic pollution.

6. Training, Health Education, and Orientation Activities

CGED arranged several training, education, and orientation sessions on environmental management, climate change adaptation, and disaster and risk management for the NGOs, GOs, and communities which are given as the following :

  • Arranged and conducted an orientation session on the basic knowledge of Causes of Environmental Degradation, Pollution, and Management Processes: Roles of the Chawkpara, Rajshahi Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (EBCT)
  • A health education session was arranged for the poor women groups at Bagatipara, Natore on the importance of environment-friendly water and sanitation and communicable diseases in rural areas. For a one-day orientation session on 25 July 2006.
  • Arranged training workshop on the Environmental Management Systems and Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, 25 participants attended the workshop from Government Officials from the Department of Environment, Department of Fisheries and Forest Department, and Relevant officials from NGOs.
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation at the Community Level in Bangladesh, 30 Participants from community people, local level NGOs, and government officials from the Forest and Environment department.
7. Arranging Human Chains and Posters Posting to Stop Noising Pollution

Arranged Human Chain Program by the Chawkpara Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (CEBCT) in Rajshahi City Corporation Area on the occupation of the 31st Night celebration. That night, young people used harmful explosive materials that produced huge and intolerable sound and noise pollution which affected children, aged, and sick people. For this program, the team prepared several posters and hung them at several places in Rajshahi City Corporation Areas to create awareness among the people.

8. Meetings of the Centre for Global Environment and Development (CGED) and Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team (EBCT):
  • The Chawkpara Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team arranged a Special Meeting on 30th December 2023 on noise pollution and waste pollution of polythene and plastic control with a view to awareness building and controlling pollution. The meeting was presided over by Jahid Hasan, Vice-president of the Team, and Abdul Wahab, Executive Director of CGED also attended the meeting. The meeting decided to make a human chain to protest against noise and polythene waste pollution.
  • A newly formed Khulna and Bhola Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Team arranged their 1st meeting at Bhola and Khulna Sadar. The Bhola arranged a meeting through Zoom Process. They discussed the environmental and biodiversity status, and problems and took several decisions for the improvement of the environment and and protection of the biodiversity situation.